Video Q & A Money

How Much Money Can I Manifest At Once?

Hey there, welcome to the Ignition Blog, glad to have you here.

As I told you last week, one topic that happens to come up regularly with our clients is money. It's natural that it does because we all need to think about it frequently. We need to take care of how much we have and what we do with it so that we're able to maintain a certain quality of life. But what if you want more than what you're used to having?

What if I'd like to use the Law of Attraction to manifest a lot of cash at once?

First of all, if that's you, you're not alone. 95% of people on the planet could certainly use more money. The question then is, how much do you want to manifest? 


The 3 types of money goals I come across the most.

As a coach that's worked with a lot of clients over the years, I find these are the most common types of money goals.

  1. For some of us, we want what we think is a reasonable amount to get by. Enough to make sure that we can pay what we need to pay for indeed. And then maybe add that amount again (whatever that is) to save and have a bit of security mounting up in our bank account. So that would be double what we're getting now. While that's great, let's add to that one more time. Let's triple what we're getting now, so we have a nice amount to play with and get some of the things we want. Many of us have that type of money goal in mind.
  2. Then for others, we want an amount even more generous than that. Let's go all out and manifest a lot! How much? A hundred thousand dollars? Five hundred thousand? A million? Those are all lovely numbers to imagine manifesting, right? Oh, the ways you could spend that type of money. It's so much fun to think about what you'd do if you ever had that type of windfall.
  3. Then there are those of us who imagine winning the "big one," the multi-million dollar lottery win. I mean, why not set ourselves up for the rest of our lives while we're at it? Yes, it's a great source of entertainment for many of us who would like to have that experience. But it's one of those things that for most isn't even a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So we want to learn how to use the LOA to manifest a lot of money at once so that we can be one of the lucky ones. We can quit our jobs, buy or build our dream homes, and all the other things we want to have. We can be generous to other people and give to our favorite causes; we can finally invest some of it so we can have money coming to us long-term, sound familiar? If so, once again, my friend, you're not alone. 


One of the things surrounding money that I'm asked all the time is how much money can you manifest at once? Is it too much to ask for double what I'm making now or even more than that? The answer is no; it's not too much. So how much can you expect to draw to you at once? Even if you have the amount you want in mind, the answer to that question may not be as straightforward as you think it might be because the answer is this; 

How much you're able to manifest at once depends on how much you are able to allow yourself to manifest all at once.


The amount you can manifest at one time depends on you.

Yeah, I know that you wanted me to say that any amount is possible to show up, and it is. The catch is that how much and the when depends on your internal settings. So, how do you allow a big chunk of money to show up on your doorstep? The solution could be in how much you're controlling your thoughts about it. When I say controlling your thoughts, I mean to become absent-minded when it comes to manifesting.  

I call it the affirm it and forget it approach.

Allowing is about being able to step back and letting the universe do its job. Once you've stated what you want concerning money, then it's out of your hands. The problem is that we tend to want to get too involved in the how and the when. We like the idea of being able to actualize things into our lives through the LOA. But it's easy for us to overthink ourselves into a corner. We start messing with ideas, and all of a sudden, we're feeling anxious about it instead of confident. We try to give the LOA ideas about how to get it to us when there's a faster and better way that the LOA has zeroed in on. Our vibes are all over the place now, and the progress to our realization has stalled.  

Please hear this; Once we've given up the idea to the universe, we must leave it in the hands of the universe. 

The bigger the goal (i.e., the amount of money you want), the more possibility there is to overthink it until you push it even further away from you. That's why so many of us who teach about universal principles suggest starting out by choosing something small to attract. For the money, chose an amount that you don't feel too much about one way or another. 

Make it five bucks to start and work up from there. 


What if you need money for something fast? It can certainly be done; if you're willing to state how much you want, I would also state why I want it, then leave it. Once you've stated your intention to the universe, stop thinking about it, completely turn your back, and walk away. Don't get involved anymore. 

I've done it many times since I started using the LOA. One time that pops to mind is the time I wanted $2500 to sign up for one of many certifications. This was when I was first starting my business. I'd talked to a person who signs people up for the program. I knew it was something that would be a great fit for me and for my business. The deadline was looming, and I didn't even have a dime to put toward it. I stated my intention and my belief that the universe would come through for me. And I left it right there. I went to my office, sat down, and started working on something. I forgot all about it. Then two hours later, I got a call saying that I was owed a refund of $2500 from an insurance policy that had been changed. I wasn't expecting it, but I knew who'd arranged it and what it was for. I do this all the time and not just with money either. It's a regular thing for me to affirm it and forget it. And I never have to wait long either. 

If you're not convinced that it's a good idea to start controlling your thoughts by affirming and forgetting, please consider it. It doesn't matter if the amount of money you want is small or large, try it. Then tell me how you did. It can change your entire mindset about money and how to manifest it. It will get you into the flow of money, and it's the fast track to getting all of your desires.

That's it for this blog post and please remember to Get Your Shine ON because you'll benefit and so will others!