Video Q & A Money

How Do I Get Into An Easy Flow Of Money?

Hi, and welcome to IYLC's Ignition Blog! It's great that you stopped by. We're excited to add some fantastic questions that we've been getting.


Many of the questions we've received recently from our clients are about manifesting money. Since we all deal with it or the lack of it daily, it's common that people ask. This question from Trish sums it all up. She asked:

How do I get into a smooth and secure flow of money? 

Thanks for that question!


Flow is the Secret to Attracting Money

What I love about the way Trish asked it is that she used the word flow. That's because energy moves in a flowing manner. It's easy and free until something happens to stop it from being so. It's such a beautiful descriptive word. 


I know how tricky it can be to get into a continuous flow of money. It was one of the first things I used the LOA to get. Since I've become an entrepreneur, I've found it's vital to know how money works, of course, but it goes beyond that. Knowing how to attract money, in my experience, is not about forcing it to come, but it's in the movement of it. 


One of the first things we need to know about attracting anything is that what we're able to draw at any one point in time depends on us. What I mean by that specifically is that we only attract what we allow based on how we see ourselves and what we feel about ourselves. The importance we put on money as human beings can be massive. The feelings we have about it can trip us up in a heartbeat. 


Here are a few tips that I swear by to draw in specific amounts of money to keep yourself in the flow. 


  1. You have to stop thinking that you're flat broke. Don't put that kind of label on yourself because it sticks, and it sticks to you hard. It's not easy to remove it once you believe it. So if you already think you're always broke even when you've gotten paid, start telling yourself something different. Tell yourself that you always have enough money for all you need and the things you want too. Make it your daily money mantra and adjust it to be more you or more appropriate as things manifest.
  2. Know how much you want. My suggestion, especially if you've not manifested any amounts or not a lot of cash before, is to keep it on the practical side. Please don't set your target amount to be more than what feels comfortable for you. That means you can work on the lottery win later when you've had some experience manifesting money. For instance, if it's a certain amount, you need to pay a bill, focus on that amount. You can round it up a bit too so that you'll have a few dollars to spend on something fun and celebrate it when it comes. 
  3. Create a scene where you use the money for what you've intended. In the scenario with the bill, I suggest taking a few moments to close your eyes and imagine that you've called to make your payment. Hear the words, "thank you for your payment." Respond to the thanks from the person you paid with a heartfelt thank you of your own in return. Imagine it or hear it again and again until it feels like you've paid it. You could imagine looking at your online account as well and seeing a 0.00 balance or something similar. Then say thank you for the money. Whatever you do, though, keep your imaginary scene as simple as possible. Remember, we're going for a realistic feeling here. 
  4. Forget about it. Don't revisit the problem and wonder how you're going to pay your bill. Stay as calm and relaxed as you can between the imagining and the realization. I can't stress this enough. Feeling like the money's already there and you've taken care of things will go a long way to ensure that money is always available for you. You have to be friends with it before it wants to hang around you. That's a true story there. 


Connect with Sure Money Energy

When you find you're starting to slip back into old feelings and habits regarding money, remember that it's just like everything else. It's energy. To have money energy, you have to be open to it. Think about it like this;


It's no big deal to have it and no big deal to spend it.

It comes, and it goes. 

I can earn it, and I can share it.

There's always more of it somewhere. 

I can always manifest more money. 


The fact that you can always manifest more is the security in your flow of money. A lot of it exists in many forms, and you can open yourself up to it at any time. 


 That's it for now, and remember, when you get your shine on, the world is a better place for everyone!