Video Q & A

How Can You Stop The Law Of Attraction From Happening?

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Hey there, welcome to the ignition blog. It’s time today to answer a question that came in from 

Leann asked, "Can you stop the Law of Attraction from happening?"

Thanks for the question, Leann. The answer is both yes and no. Sorry, I realize that’s not very helpful, but let me explain.


The answer lies in how you think and feel.

It depends on the way you look at things.


Here's why I say yes. For LOA enthusiasts, life can be gratifying. When we get the hang of the Law of Attraction, nothing is better. We figure out what we want, make our intention, break down the steps we need to take, we take action, then (cricket sounds) nothing? How could that possibly be? 

 It’s because we have some mental/emotional limitation that is keeping us from getting the results we want. We go through life, getting other people’s opinions and stories every day. Our beliefs are largely shaped by what’s going on around us. When we decide we want something if we’ve been conditioned to think “Hey, you can’t have that. “ or “It’s going to be really hard to get that.” or “I’m going to have to wait a really long time for that”, it’s obviously going to block us from getting what we want. That’s why people will often try using the Law of Attraction for a time, get frustrated with it, and give up. They beat themselves up for their failures and think it doesn’t work for them.

However, the answer is also no. Here’s why. Law of Attraction is a universal principle that applies to all of us in the same way. The best part is that LOA reads vibration; that’s how it knows what to give you. Like, attracts like, what you focus on expands, what you send out is reflected back to you. However you put it, it adds up to the same thing for all of us. 

What that means for us is that any mental/emotional blocks we have, happen to carry the vibration that is blocking what we want from coming to us. In this respect, since we know this law is something that works all the time, no unlike some of us, it never takes a break, then we know there’s no stopping it.

Unless we change the type of energy that we carry around regularly, it sounds easy enough. Still, many people have difficulty making the changes to their vibration that will make a difference. We’re all human. It takes some time and effort to keep a delicate balance of good energy and understand all the other universal principles that come into play with the LOA. That’s why die-hard fans of Law of Attraction, who want to make changes in their life with the help of LOA, might hire a coach to support and guide them at times.


So, you can see the answer is not about stopping the Law of Attraction; it's about lining up with the vibration of what you want. That's the key to live a life that you can get excited about!