Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes Client Stories

Finding The Hypnotic Power Of Love In Law Of Attraction

Hear about how my client, Karolina, attracted a pair of special shoes in this episode of Magnetic Me.  

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” 

William Shakespeare

Love is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible, and it can be all-consuming. Writers have written about it; psychology defines it. It works its way into music and pop culture. It wears many different hats. Given our preoccupation with it, it makes one wonder, what is love?

The Myth and Reality of Love

There are so many myths about all different types of love. I tend to believe the biggest myth about it is that love is something that's outside of us. As if we have nothing to do with it until it finds us. Far from it. I don’t think that it can be more accurate than love lives within us. It is a force.

Turning to Biblical scripture, we see in 1 John 4:8 ESV that “Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love.”

One description of love is it is a powerful emotion. As far as I can tell, love is the most positive way that God expresses himself through us. And as far as Law of Attraction goes, the best way I know how to explain this is through my observations. That love is a pure harmony that we feel when our minds, our thoughts, and our emotions are all aligned for something that pleases us in our hearts. That’s why it feels so good to love something or someone. When we experience it, it means our entire being is in complete agreement.

Are all of our heartfelt desires based on love?

In short, there is some connection to love behind all of our desires. You might be saying, “Wait, what about when someone wishes harm to come to someone else?” That was a question I got recently in a conversation with someone. They were trying to argue the Law of Attraction with me. If you know me, I don’t argue about the Law of Attraction, but I would like to answer that question here and now because you might be asking yourself the same thing.

It's obvious that the desire for harm is not a positive one. That kind of want for someone else will set us up for negative things. Negative will look for us. Let me explain. When we talk about desire as a verb, (sorry for my nerdiness here), we’re making a request. Another description of love is having a liking for something. So, when we would ask for something not good to happen to someone else because it would please us, there is a link to love. If we find it feels bad to us to want harm for somebody, it's because not all of us ( as in our entire being) is in agreement with that. If our subconscious thinks it’s terrible for us to want that, we can’t have total harmony within us. That’s why LOA ends up sending us something negative. All of a sudden, what we were seeking for someone else ends up finding us. If we are in total agreement that if some harm that was to come to someone else would be good for us, it may be a good idea to see a professional therapist. So in that situation, please seek one out immediately.


What's the big deal about love and happiness?

Love may not be able to erase all your problems today, but it can help you find a direction to move in. That’s because of the kind of compelling inspiration that you find in love. Also, when you have a passion for something or someone, it changes where you put your attention. If you use that love wisely, you will find happiness in it. Overall, love is impressive in its ability to influence us, but we are still the drivers of our actions. So, be careful of thinking that love will complete things for you. While it’s qualities are hypnotic, and it’s directed through us, we are still responsible for what we do and create. It's a powerful and effective way to help us understand what matters to us so that we can be all that we are meant to be.

These are some of the extraordinary things about love

Love has the power to heal in the physical body.

Love can bring us together.

Love inspires us to be more. 

Love is an experience that we remember.


Those are just a few thoughts that pop into my head as I sit down to write this, so they are my reflections, and there are many more crowding my thoughts about it today. If you have a day where you aren’t feeling the love, I suggest you sit down and reflect on it too. You might find it's worth your while.