Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

Eight Informative Tips You Need To Cure Your View Of The LOA

Tune in to this week's Magnetic Me Podcast with part 2 of Revealing Your Law of Attraction Personality

The thing I love about the Law of Attraction most is that you know exactly where you stand with it at any point in time. You can be sure about this because of what’s happening inside you right this very minute. I know it’s a hard thing to take responsibility for, especially if you can’t handle the thought that you attract what you experience. But letting go of all pretense is what makes it work for you. Yup, there it is a nutshell. Being you is what makes the Law of Attraction work in your favor. Now, there are obviously two sides to this very valuable coin, but when you grasp its full meaning, there’s nothing more to do than to go with the flow.

This entire concept is the crux to the Law of Attraction enthusiast. If you’re reading this post, then I’m willing to bet you are one. I’ve got this short term in the name of my blog, I’ve written podcasts on it and created other content around it. It’s easy to comprehend that if you’re interested in LOA and you want to use this powerful force for good, then you’re an LOA enthusiast. The one thing that every enthusiast wants to know for sure about the Law of Attraction is how you know when it’s working.

I should say that this isn’t really an issue for someone who’s got some experience of the satisfying kind under their belt with LOA. For somebody who’s new to the idea or is struggling to try to get LOA to yield desires to them, after the “how,” it’s the only question out there. The answer, I’ve found, is to set yourself up in a way that allows you to use your subconscious to do the work without effort. That’s right; it’s all about mindset, baby!


Shift the way you see it

The way you think about the Law of Attraction is going to be the most valuable tool that you cultivate for this undertaking. In the spirit of getting started on the right foot, here are eight crucial things to shift when forming your view of LOA.

Newbie Idea: LOA is “magic.”

Arguably the easiest of these eight points, it's going to be the place that everyone starts any manifesting venture. I’ve had conversations with many people who are very misguided about what LOA is and is not. If you have any illusions that it’s magic, sorry. I hate to break this to you, but there’s no kind of hocus pocus involved.

Realistic View: LOA is a universal principle.

A universal principle is a force that shapes how our universe works. When you’re experienced at using LOA, you know that it’s working for you by means of working through you. To understand your role in creation and how LOA works with you, remember that a relationship with LOA is one of giving and taking, right at the very core of it.

Newbie Idea: You’re “asking” LOA for help because you’re inferior to it.

It’s very common for someone to think that LOA is powerful, and they are not. No, no, oh, and let me repeat no! That is just not the case.

Realistic View: You are worthy of LOA.

This is where some of us have difficulty. Some people don’t believe in any larger powers in the universe. If you feel this way, that’s fine, I won’t try changing your mind. However, the more I work with people and LOA the more I see it as a mechanism that a universal creator has put in place for us. The thing is that if you were not valuable, then what would be the point of any creator, seen or otherwise, giving you anything that has the potential to make life easier? Here's a thought, why not use some self-esteem boosting tips to help you create an image that’s worthy of you? So dear-heart, go forth and know that you are worthy of anything you want just because you’ve existed.


Newbie Idea: LOA is a “fix.”

The biggest mistake I see new LOA enthusiasts make is that they only attempt use of LOA because of some dire need or stressful situation that they’re living with right now.

Realistic View: LOA is a lifestyle.

My advice here is to ditch the “fix” approach. The Law of Attraction is not meant to be used just for the times when you’re really in trouble. I mean it’s great, but if you’re only using it during the times when you “need” it, then you’re never going to understand its power. When you’re experienced at using LOA, you know that possibilities are infinite. Just having that knowledge can free you.

Newbie Idea: Using LOA means it will just come to you automatically.

Well, yes and no. Nobody wants to hear that the widely touted “Ask, Believe, Receive” model of LOA that we’ve been given could be more complicated than that.

Realistic View: There might be some change involved.

Did your parents just give you everything you ever wanted, no questions asked? Mine sure didn’t. Getting something normally involved doing something to get it. Now it’s the same with my kids. There’s a reason why this works, and no it's not blackmailing. The simple truth is that knowledge is power. There are elements as to why LOA works, so take the time to brush up on them. There is a cycle to manifesting, so learn what that is.


Newbie Idea: Nothing else matters but LOA.

Ummm, not so. LOA is amazing...but...there are other things you need to know if you really want to understand it.

Realistic View: The universe has a method to the madness.

There is a definite order to the universe. Good thing for us! It just wouldn’t make sense for LOA to be the only universal principle that matters. Let’s figure out what those are and how they work hand-in-hand with LOA.

Newbie Idea: LOA screwed up my manifestation.

The Law of Attraction may be the apparent choice for blame, but the actual problem could be much closer to home.

Realistic View: LOA shows me what I’ve been doing wrong.

Look mistakes are part of life. No one learns to walk without falling sometimes. It’s okay if you messed up, you can tell me. I’ll keep it a secret, I promise. ;) The universe can be like a loving parent who wants to teach you things sometimes. If you’re not getting the results you want, look for lessons within what's coming back to you.

Newbie Idea: LOA is a lot of hard work.

Maybe and maybe not. It’s pretty specific in the things it needs from you in order to get you the things you want.

Realistic View: LOA needs me to adjust.

LOA is pretty simple. You tell it what you want with your vibration, and it gets it for you. If you’re unhappy with what is or isn’t happening with it, then make some adjustments — no need for hard feelings here.


Newbie Idea: It’s taking too long. LOA is supposed to help now, my life’s a mess.

While there’s certainly no time limit on LOA, there is a bit of time needed on its part. Remember that the circumstances you’re living with now are ones that you created in your past. Yes, this morning is the past if it’s now afternoon. If a mess took years to develop, give LOA a few minutes!

 Realistic View: I’m in it for the win.

There's a great way to get out of an unfortunate circumstance. Forget about it as much as humanly possible. I won’t lie, it will take some streamlined focus, but counting your blessings will surely help.


Now that I’ve given you a little map to what I know are useful tips to shifting the way you think about LOA, just remind yourself of the realistic view when the newbie ideas start crowding in. Try them on and get used to them and you'll be seeing a "new" reality soon.