Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

Brighten Up Your Life With The Promise Of Unlimited Abundance

Learn how to impress the Law of Attraction with your mindset in this episode of Magnetic Me.

Hey, ignited LOA enthusiast. I’m so glad you’re here. That must mean that another week has passed, and you’re looking for more knowledge about the Law of Attraction. Good for you!

As you can see by the title of this blog post, there’s a definite attitude that you, as a co-creator of your own life, need to cultivate when it comes to seeing the world. Lots of us would-be creators find it very easy to get just a bit lazy with our outlook in the day-to-day. Before we know it, we find ourselves pulled down into the quagmire of negative self-talk and perspectives that are so easy to come by when we listen to other people. That includes, by the way, newscasts, online journals, podcasts, social media, etc. Anything that promotes you feeling blah or like you want to take a break from all of it.

Knowing that you’re meant to be a purposeful creator and accumulating the skills for you to do that is at the heart of using LOA. A basic hang-up that we all deal with is the way we view things as being negative or positive.

When you start this journey by having an outrageously awesome desire, you know that you need to line up with it. There’s no question about that. It means that you're making a choice to think and do your daily tasks with the outlook that will line you up with what you want. It’s just a given with LOA. Anything that contradicts the goodness of that happening for you will be bad in terms of your co-creation efforts. That's because it indicates a lack somewhere, or of something.

Does positive thinking really matter to the LOA?

If you’re tired of positive thinking, you’re in a bit of trouble when it comes to the LOA. We're not talking about being positive to the point of denying real feelings and circumstances here. As they say, you can't slap a “happy face sticker” on things and expect better results. However, if you can turn your attention away from negativity long enough, you can start choosing deliberate thoughts, feelings, and actions that will benefit you. An abundance of anything is created by focusing on prosperity itself. Being positive is your key to wealth and creates more of what you do want in any circumstance.

Let’s look at some of the ways we trip ourselves up when it comes to the question of how we view things. Notice on the left of our list below that you will first get examples of lack-type thinking. Then what follows are examples of abundant thinking.




Examples of Lack

1. There's not enough/I'm not enough.               

2. Focusing on what's wrong.

3. Competing with others/fighting for my share.

4. Talking about lack.

5. Gossiping/judging others.

6. Dependence on others.

7. Struggling and force.

8. Others are better than me/I'm better than others.


10. Self-pity/deprecation.

11. I need to prove myself.

12. The world owes me.

13. There's a ceiling on success.

14. The universe isn't supportive.

15. Being closed off.

16. Money/things are the cause.

17. Blaming and taking.

18. Fear-focused.

19. Programmed for lack.

20. No desires or dreams.

21. Jealous/envious.


 Examples of Abundance


1. There IS enough/I AM enough.

2. Looking for what's going right.

3. No need to compete, there is abundance.

4. Focusing on abundance and what is good in life.

5. Lifting others up.

6. I can create my desires.

7. Ease, and grace.

8. We are all created equal.

9. Solution-oriented.

10. Appreciation and gratitude.

11. I am deserving of what I want.

12. I can accomplish anything.

13. Success is unlimited.

14. I'm fully supported.

15. Being open and generous.

 16. Material things are an effect.

17. Responsible and giving.

18. Love-focused.

19. Cultivating new skills and ideas.

20. Desires and dreams.

21. Admiring and supportive.


Keep this in mind, my friend, what you're telling and showing the world is saying volumes about who you are. It's the basis of the opportunities you get, the challenges that will show up for you, and the support that you receive along the way. In short, it communicates to the world how it should treat you.

Build a mindset that tells Law of Attraction you're ready to get all of those delightful, exciting, and surprising desires that you have!