Video Q & A

Are Certain Types Of Desires Better Than Others?

This week I had a clarity call with a recently signed up client. Patrick is pretty new to the idea of the LOA and has a ton of questions about it. I love his enthusiasm. He asked me during our call if certain types of desires are better than others. I think that's a great question to ask. Since I've been thinking about it, I've had all kinds of inspiration coming to me. So let me share some of that with you. 

Are certain types of desires better than others?

Being that a desire is to want something specific or to want something to happen, it's a hot topic among the Law of Attraction community. The reason the LOA is enticing to so many of us is that it gives us a way to realize our wants. But the feeling for or the essence of your desire is often overpowering. It isn't easy to walk away from something that occupies our minds and hearts so fully or beautifully. You may recall if you've read his books that Napoleon Hill talked about having a "burning desire." 

 He said: "The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat."

 Napoleon Hill thought that the more yearning you have for what you want, the better the goal.


What is it that you want? 

There are many different types of aspirations you may be pining for. And it doesn't matter one way or another to the Law of Attraction what you want. It wants for you what you want. That's why you must have clarity about the experiences you want to enjoy, the things you want to draw to you, and what's truly important to you. Because whatever you set out to objectify in your life had better be important. Remember that you're trading your time and energy for it.  

Anything that you decide you'd like to have in this human experience is a drive that's coming from within you. If you can accept that the Law of Attraction is a spiritual law which it is, then you'll know that we all have a spirit. Your consciousness houses your soul and your spirit. Your spirit is eternal. It's the part of you that wants you to continue to grow and seek out new things. It's the part of you that wants you to experience new states of being and of becoming conscious of who you are. Each time you feel like there's something that's missing from your life, it's your spirit talking. Every time you'd like to go after that goal, it's your spirit communicating with you. When you decide to become that idea of yourself, that's coming from that part of your soul. Isn't that where all your thoughts and ambitions come from anyway? Why, yes, it is.


Your desires are the keys to who you are. 

In my mind, I don't think that any real desire you have is better than another. It's what you put into it that makes it beneficial or not for you. As long as what you want isn't hurtful to yourself or others, there's no reason not to have it or to live it. And having your wants manifest can be truly worthwhile if the result is that you're going to feel joy, accomplishment, or fulfillment in having it or achieving it. I've even seen desires gone awry molded into experiences, ideas, or things that have become blessings. 

 If you listened to my podcast this week, then you'll know it was about your state of consciousness. That ties in perfectly with this question because every desire you have is a state of consciousness. And every state of consciousness is waiting for you to step into it, to occupy it. Once you understand that, you'll have a better knowledge of what your desires really are and who you can become in the attainment of them. 


That's it for this week, thanks for stopping by our Ignition Blog.

Now, don't forget to get your shine on because you make the world so much better when you do!