Magnetic Me Podcast Show Notes

Action Is An Important Skill In Being A Kick-Ass Creator

Ever wonder how karma fits in with the Law of Attraction? Listen to this episode of Magnetic Me.

Ready, set, action! As human beings, we're hard-wired for action. When we achieve something, we've worked hard to get we ask ourselves what we'll do next. When something goes wrong, we lament over what we should do about it. When we identify something that we want, we think about setting something into motion so we can get it. The linear thinking we know tells us that we have to make it happen. That there's a process to all things, we must follow. When it comes to using the Law of Attraction, though, that kind of thinking can trip us up.

If you're saying, "Say what?" right now, you're not alone. I've had my fair share of conversations where the person I'm speaking with has no idea how to do things any other way. As a reforming perfectionist, I understand that. It was one of the things I struggled with in my own LOA journey. The idea that we control things by action to get what we want can seem very natural to some of us. However, it's very unnatural in the larger scheme of things.

Every Universal Law follows a complete and specific process.

The reason being is that universal principles don't work like that. There are many different types of them out there. Matter, consciousness, thought, energy, as well as action. They all follow principles, not processes. Principles exist as an underlying truth or basis to a system; they're not the system itself. Therefore working with any law requires that we expand our thought processes and vision so we can understand how they work.

The structure for creating something (yes, there's a cycle that creation follows) is not something that a human being can control all by themselves. There will always be unknowns, possibilities that we can't see when we set our aim at something in particular. The more we try controlling those aspects, the more we wander away from being part of a creation cycle and further away from what it is we're trying to bring about. That's because part of that creation cycle is about surrendering to the unknown. If that sounds like having faith or belief, that's because it is.

Where does action fit into that then? I've found that the best way to deal with this puzzle is to re-think our idea about action. There are many definitions of the word, but at the top of mind, there are two main ways humans tend to break down the concept of action.

  • Because we operate in the world through our physical bodies, doing something physical creates motion, and that is a type of action.
  • Mental activity is also a type of action. When we think we generate ideas. That will ultimately translate into our use of the physical body in some way to take the idea and make it into something we can see or quantify.

Either way, it's going to depend upon the energy of some type to get things done. What people miss is that energy in itself can be a type of action. Exerting any force is acting. Let's examine what happens when we use activity and motion as a way to get something.

*We create mental activity by thinking about something and get an idea.

*If we accept the idea, we start coming up with a process to see it through.

*We start feeling good about that idea and "taking action."

*We're then prepared to take steps toward making things happen through physical action.

*When we enact the process and do what's necessary, we get a result.

*Our idea about taking action is enforced in our subconscious.

*That creates a feeling.

*Based on our opinion about what we did and how we feel about it, we create a belief.

*Future activity takes similar forms based on what we've already experienced.

What can we get from all that? All of the things described here have vibration and frequency. They send out energetic waves into our cosmos. Now let's put that together with the Law of Attraction. Here's where it gets interesting, my friend.

If all of the above is based on action, then we're creating with our thoughts and our feelings. Physical action is only part of the scenario. What that means for you is the action that you need to take is specific. Use your thoughts and your feelings appropriately. Those will inspire everything else in terms of what you have to do. That's why inspired action feels good. The way for it has already been paved by those thoughts and feelings you've had in the past. When the urge to do something is inspired, you want to do it, and you have complete confidence that it's going to work out. That's when you'll get your best results.

When you get used to the idea that the process of getting what you want through the LOA is a skill, everything else about LOA starts making more sense. For most people, all it takes to get, there is to start by improving your thinking habits. Follow that up with deciding to feel better about anything every time you can. If you stick with it, things will start to change. The more you concentrate on this, the better you'll get at it. That's how you change your world. Of course, when you change your world, it can help a whole lot because of all you'll do to help others too.